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Coder's Central

Working with Web Technology

Hi! This is our first group website. Most of us are all beginners in the world of coding, so please look at our website from that point of view. Sorry if our website isn't the best, but we tried and still are trying our best.

Some of the technologies that Coder's Central use include the following:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • PHP
  • Ruby


Coder's Central Projects

Interesting projects by Coder's Central and it Contributors.

Some of the projects include:

Coder's Central Contributors

The people Behind The Work

SindhujaD: Contributor Solusin: Coder's Central Lead M-Hc0d3: Contributor

What are Coders' Central's Plans for the future?

Looking into the future.

Currently Coder's Central contributors are focusing on polishing their coding skills though updating and adding features to this site. Other projects that follow will be posted at a later time.